Enrich your Ramadan by giving daily charity.
Ever wonder why our zakat and sadaqat every year couldn’t vanish poverty and beggary in the society. Why the seeker of zakat remain the beneficiary for all time -dependent on the zakat donor? Are Zakat not meant to with stand the weaker section of the economy atleast in the long run.
Ever since Corona-19 effects starts impacting into all our lives, the small time business and micro level entrepreneur were adversely affected to an unprecedented level leading to almost zero earning in rural areas.
Large scale relief work by way of distribution of food packets and ration kits and even cash support has been and continue to be undertaken.
The traditional way of charity distribution goes towards consumption purpose that ails no development either in the short term. Hence, for charity to impact long term and sustainable to the beneficiries, this has to transform into development.
Thus for a long-term support to identified beneficiaries, a sustainable solution was warranted due. EISAR envision a humble beginning for Relief cum Rehabilitation.
Our goal is to take up the responsibility to transform charity into development by providing a support base through one-time grant followed by a regular follow up by a local team to let the small busineses stand on their own feet to meet their day to day expenses.
To fulfill these objectives, Eisar launched Zakat Fund and its strategy of mobilization and allocation.
1.Promote the habit of mutual help and cooperation among the people to hold hand of the underprivileged sections in their neighbourhood.
2. Provide financial assistance (Empowerment Loan /Qard e Hasnah) to 500/- persons/families directly @ approximately INR 20,000/- each for rehabilitation in their previous occupations.
1-Enrol beneficiaries as members of EISAR;
2- Enrol all assistance seekers as members of EISAR to receive regular handholding in finance and business development in future;
3- Appoint a FOLLOW UP team to look after and assist the beneficiaries for compliance of condition of grant and thereby ensure the success of the Mission.
A- Sources of fund
B- Receipt and transfer
C- Fund USES
a- EISAR — as major contributor say min 50% of the annual budget. It will approach and mobilise required fund from the contributions of new promoting partners, CSR contributions, public and private sector national and global charity agencies;
b- EISAR CO-OPERATIVE SOCIETY – shall advance grant to the beneficiaries as directed by local committee as Economic Empowerment grant. Accordingly, it will receive back the same in form of donations from beneficiaries to be deposited in RRFD (rehabilitation revolving fund deposit). The same shall be ploughed back for future grant decided by CMC;
c- STAR PARTNERS – EISAR will approach to the well-wishers to help mobilise/donate INR ONE LAKH per annum or more as per their convenience;
d- INDIVUSAL DONORS – EISAR will approach individuals and accept general or designated contribution minimum INR Rs 10,000/- per person or more as sadqa e Janiya
e- CROWD FUNDING — general public contribution of any amount INR minim 1000/- and above. as lump sum or monthly basis;
All funds mobilised shall be routed and rerouted through Bank Account of EISAR’s, which is a registered Co-operative society with permission from government of India.
The Bank account details for domestic donors is as follows;
A/C NO : 19860200003735
IFSC : FDRL0001986
Exclusively for REHABILITATION GRANT by way of EMPOWERMENT LOAN /Qard e Hasnah to the eligible applicants on the following criteria;
Have a min one-year business experience and or business temperament;
Formally join EISAR and attend business development seminars/ workshops and skill development training arranged from time to time;
Promise to use this grant for resumption /restarting the business activity as a full-time occupation and save min 20% of daily earning and deposit the same in RRFD and their own account in EISAR for their future financial stability;
Promise to attend monthly networking meeting for mutual help and cooperation.
As an exception fund may be used for business start-ups.
Increased level of gainful occupation to post Covid-19 lockdown affected jobless / poor citizens removing their poverty and unemployment
Increase in philanthropy for Hand holding /caretaking for poor and disable neighbours out of spirit of social commitment causing social development;
Arrest and stop the declining trend in country’s GDP/National Economy as a result of accelerated demand for goods and services due to widely distributed multiple income growth;
Increased role of voluntary sector as facilitators in implementing at ground level general welfare schemes floated by private,/ corporate and public sector;
And what not !!! …………